Vladimir Safatle

Vladimir Safatle


(Brazil, lives in São Paulo). He is a professor at the Philosophy Department of the University of São Paulo, an associate professor at the Universities of Paris VII, Paris VIII, Toulouse, Louvain and Stellenboch, coordinator of the Research Laboratory in Social Theory, Philosophy and Psychoanalysis (Latesfip). Safatle is also the author of numerous publications such as A esquerda que nao teme dizer seu nome (The left that does not fear to say its name), (Tres Estrellas, 2012); Grande Hotel Abismo: for a reconstruction of the theory of recognition (Grand Hotel Abismo: a reconstruction of the recognition theory), (Martins Fontes, 2012); Fetishism: colonizing the other (Fetishism: colonizing others), Brazilian Civilization, 2010); Cynicism and bankruptcy of criticism (Cynicism and criticism of bankruptcy), (Boitempo, 2008); Lacan (Publifolha, 2007) and A passion of the negative: Lacan e a dialectic (The passion of the negative: Lacan and the dialectic), (Unesp, 2006).
