Clinic II: Interiors, Exteriors and the Construction of Gendered Spaces

Led by Jorge Munguía and Kader Attia

In the sessions that focused on questions about gendered spaces there was great interest in discussing their meanings and how at different moments in history the theme of gender has had spatial implications, both in politics and social movements as well as in questions of function and efficiency.

The meetings, led by the artist Kader Attia and Jorge Munguía, included presentations of work, films and architectural references that presented the dichotomies of interior and exterior, light and shadow, the public and the private. Conversations among participants were enriched by the diversity of their backgrounds and experiences, as well as by the reading material, which included historical and critical texts from different contexts and historical moments. The sessions ended with the opening of different lines of inquiry into the relationships between and implications of gender and spatiality.

For reference materials, this clinic used the films Red Desert by Michelangelo Antonioni (1964) and The Battle of Algiers by Gillo Pontecorvo (1966), and the articles “Architecture from Without” by Diane Agrest, “Gender, Space, Architecture” by Jane Rendell, “LeCorbusier, Orientalism, Colonialism” by Zeynep Celik, and “Le Corbusier et le mirage de l’Orient” by Alex Gerber.