Helena Chávez Mac Gregor

Helena Chávez Mac Gregor


(Mexico, 1979; lives in Mexico City). She es currently on a postdoctoral stay at the Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas of the Universidad  Nacional Autónoma de México. She holds a Phd in Philosophy by UNAM with the thesis on the relation between politics and aesthetics. She also hols a Masters Degree in Contemporary Art Theory by Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. She has been part of lectures and residencies in México, United Kingdom, Turkey, Argentina, Spain, Ecuador, South Africa and Lebanon. She was curator in collaboration with Espectro Rojo (Mariana Botey and Cuauhtémoc Medina) of the exhibition Fetiches Críticos, residuos de la economía general at CA2M in Madrid in 2010 and Museo de la Ciudad in Mexico City in 2011; she was part of the curatorial team of Escenografías: Memorias e Historia at the Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo MuAC. Her most recent essays include Políticas de la aparición: estética y política, Apropósito de Cercanías, una lectura sobre la representación in 11 a 12, La constitución política del presente and The Revolution Will Not be Televised in Melanie Smith: Cuadrado Rojo, imposible rosa. From 2009 to 2013 she was academic curator at MuAC where she developed Campus Expandido's program where currently she is advisor. She is acholar of the Postdoctoral Scholarship Program at UNAM: 
